Research by:  Angela Cornell, Richard D. McCreight


McCreight: Andrew,  Butler, Chelsey, Clouch, David, Frances, James, Jane,  Laura, Lavona F., Robert,

 James McCreight
b 1792  South Carolina
spouse: Ann
1.     Lavona Francis McCreight   b  1842
2.     Chesley McCreight  b  1827  m  Mary  South Carolina
3.     Robert McCreight  b  1829
4.     Butler McCreight  b  1831
5.     Clouch McCreight  b  1833
6.     Frances McCreight  b  1835
7.     David McCreight  b  1836
8.     Andrew McCreight  b  1839 (listed on the 1860 Monroe County, Cache Township, Clarendon Arkansas)
9.     Laura McCreight  b  1846
10.  Jane McCreight  b 1849
1850 Census for Union District, South Carolina
SINDX   L Name           F Name        Date NARS Reel Pg#   Family Group

M263  McCREATH        William          1850 M-432 862 023  NdRcd
M262  McCREIGHT       Ann              1850 M-432 862 091  NdRcd
M262  McCREIGHT       James            1850 M-432 862 091  NdRcd
M262  McCREIGHT       Jane             1850 M-432 862 037  NdRcd
No McCreight's were listed in the 1870 census or 1840

Lavona was not listed in the census so the birth date may be incorrect or I have the wrong family!